Thursday, 5 April 2012

teenage mutant nailja turtles

Let's now jump to February where we had the first Term Dance. I, along with three others, had the responsibility to organise the dance; theme, decorations, food and advertising! The theme chosen was Good vs. Evil and so for some extra publicity, I painted my nails and posted to Facebook...

It worked a charm! People had never really seen advertising on toenails before so even if they didn't like it, they could appreciate the fact that it was original! Haha.

As for the post title, this nail idea is harder than I thought. But there is relevance to TMNT - us four co-organisers of the dance happen to make up Teenage Mutant Minja Turtles. That is, the first letter of each of our names contributes to one letter of TMNT! Phenomenal, right? We so no other option but to dress up as the crime-fighting, pizza-eating turtles themselves, washing basket shell and all. I wish I had a picture to show you! But.. just know it was awesome. Because it was.

That's all!!
Namira :)x

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