Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Came home from my little sleepover and went straight into my next masterpiece. I really really loved my nails at that moment (Sesame Street and Pac-Man) but I knew I had to sacrifice one of them for my next project. That project is shown below...

Ta-da! They're flag nails. I wanted to get a flag from each continent (except Antarctica of course) to properly represent the whole world! From the thumb I've got the Union Jack - which pretty much covers the whole Commonwealth, Bangladesh - my ancestral home, Ethiopa, Switzerland and Honduras. Might I mention I did these all with my left hand. I know that flags are just basic shapes and colours but hey, that Union Jack was harder than it looks. I had fun doing this theme though, researching flags of the world and what not.

Namira :)x
I am currently so bored but I don't want to commit to painting another theme as it could take hours. So I've decided to give baking a whirl. Will keep you posted. Yes, on this nail blog. Shut up, it's my blog!

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