Saturday, 13 April 2013

(nail)paint with all the colours of the wind

Well, first off. WOW. I'm (really)x10000 sorry I have not been posting here. But then again, who am I apologising to? People find themselves here on this blog mostly by chance - most of which are accidents - but I don't think there's any regulars. Anywho, if you are a regular, than I apologise. 
I am apolgising because of the (obvious) lack of posting. And it's not like I don't have the time to do it - I literally just forget/don't want to do it.
This isn't to say this blog is dying- DEFINITELY NOT! How dare you suggest such a ghastly thing!?! I promise promise promise that in my semester break, I will post more (I HOPE).

Ahh well, you aren't here to scroll through my ramblings, I present to you Pocahontas nails:
It's meant to replicate one of the movie posters of the film.. And I know the eyes are a bit strange, but I did my best. Well, the inspiration for this nail art theme came from - first off - a classic love for Disney that all normal people possess. But also, I had such an urge to watch it that once I had finished viewing I HAD to paint something related to it! So so so, I very much hope you are enjoying this post. Pls.

Just because I have not been posting on this blog, does not mean I have stopped nail painting, hooo no - far from it! I post them all on my instagram account: namirarahman so feel free to check dem out or even give me a sneaky little follow. I assure you it's a riveting account.


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