Thursday, 6 December 2012


I've been living in this vicious cycle where I come on to the blog to create a new post but then I check something else on the computer then BAM I've forgotten to post and so I get off. When I have been off the computer for a while, I remember again that I have to post! It's like these are my assignments now and I'm procrastinating from doing them!

When you think "The Seven Wonders of the World", I'm sure you think of seven different monuments from the person next to you. I certainly did not know what those seven were, and when I researched it (thanks Wikipedia), it was very different to what I once thought: there are like a bajillion different "Seven Wonders" lists! How am I to choose! So I just painted well known monuments and kinda ditched the idea of tying it in with the Seven Wonders of the World theme.

From the thumb we've got: The Taj Mahal, The Great Pyramids of Giza, a segment of The Great Wall of China, a segment of The Leaning Tower of Pisa and The Eiffel Tower!

Namira :)x

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