Monday, 24 December 2012

diamonte nails

Also, for my birthday, one of my best friends gifted me these magical nail art pens that came with diamontes for decorating. So ofcourse, I went crazy.

SO PRETTY RIGHT!? I hope they never fall off because they are so cool. But they will. And that's okay... I guess gosh.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Namira :)x

nailbow sparklez

For my birthday I got two gift packs that contained 8 bottles of Chi Chi nail polish EACH! They contained  glitter nail polishes, pastels, etc. I needed to paint my toenails but I couldn't decide what colour/extra coat to use. So I did a rainbow!! And also used multiple glitter nail polishes.

Namira :)x

Thursday, 20 December 2012

twas the nail before christmas

Can't believe this year is almost over! How this year has completely flown by. Well as the whole world knows, regardless of religion - thanks to good ol' consumerism, Christmas is this Tuesday! I did pretty nails to celebrate:
Little Christmas trees! And the awesome thing is that the thumb can match up with any of the other finger nails to make different trees. Gosh I am so smart to think of that. Merry Christmas!

Namira :)x

Sunday, 16 December 2012

naillo kitty

I keep finding myself short for time when it comes to blogging! I'm sorry to neglect you so, here you are my pretties!
Hello Kitty nails

Namira :)x

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


This was a heap of fun to do! Simple yet differing colours and shapes. I present to you, superhero themed nails:

Starting from left to right we have: Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, Captain America, The Flash, X Men, Fantastic Four and the Avengers! To be honest I didn't know some of these logos existed so some research was involved in this theme! But I like it, think I'm going to keep this on for a couple of days. Unless an absolutely fab idea comes to mind.

Namira :)x

Monday, 10 December 2012

nailsters Inc

Monsters Inc nails!!

From the thumb you've got the Monsters Inc logo, Mike Wazowski, Sully, Boo and Celia. Boo looks a bit bizarre.. but come on. She's a human! It's hard for her to look normal!

Namira :)x

Sunday, 9 December 2012

why nailt zoidberg?

Another fantabulous request! Zoidberg nails:

I have heaps of posts lined up but I honestly keep forgetting to post! Silly Namz
Namira :)x

Friday, 7 December 2012

nailpy birthday!

Two days ago was my birthday! Woo! It felt like it took forever to finally arrive yet it seemed to disappear so quickly!! Oh well. I had an absolutely lovely time - cutting the cake at midnight with my family, opening presents the next morning, meeting up with friends during the day and having a delicious family a restaurant. For quite somet ime I've been wanting glittery nail polish that contains different size and coloured sparkles! One of my presents happened to be exactly that, plus more! It was an awesome Chi Chi gift pack:

It came with two sparkly polishes! Eeee! So of course, I tried them out as soon as I could!

 Aren't they beautiful? ;') Think I'll keep them for a while because I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday (yep, the day after my birthday) and so have to rest up for at least a week. At least nothing bad can happen to my nails!

Some other snaps from my birthday (snappy birthday hehehe):

1. Birthday Cake 2. Birthday Dinner 3 + 4. Pretty Lanterns I got as presents! Set them up myself
Namira :)x

Thursday, 6 December 2012


I've been living in this vicious cycle where I come on to the blog to create a new post but then I check something else on the computer then BAM I've forgotten to post and so I get off. When I have been off the computer for a while, I remember again that I have to post! It's like these are my assignments now and I'm procrastinating from doing them!

When you think "The Seven Wonders of the World", I'm sure you think of seven different monuments from the person next to you. I certainly did not know what those seven were, and when I researched it (thanks Wikipedia), it was very different to what I once thought: there are like a bajillion different "Seven Wonders" lists! How am I to choose! So I just painted well known monuments and kinda ditched the idea of tying it in with the Seven Wonders of the World theme.

From the thumb we've got: The Taj Mahal, The Great Pyramids of Giza, a segment of The Great Wall of China, a segment of The Leaning Tower of Pisa and The Eiffel Tower!

Namira :)x

Monday, 3 December 2012


Still holidays! Getting increasingly bored though. My TV lists are quickly diminishing... and my family/friends are always super busy. I guess with this time I'm forced to think creatively :D

And with that... slightly depressing intro (don't worry for me guys, I'm actually very much enjoying my holidays hahaha.) I thought of nails that could utilise my gold nailpolish because it is so pretty! Then I thought about other nail polishes I own that have that slight hint of shimmer and thought... Hey they'd look like good gems!

Pretty pretty precious stones :) I like their shiiiine

Namira :)x

Saturday, 1 December 2012

patterned nails

A few posts back, I mentioned my new found interest with patterns. Little did you know that I was actually alluding to a future post. This is that future post! The future is now :O :O :O

So, I had a nail painting session at mine, where I gave some hints and tips about painting nails to my young grasshoppers. But mostly it was us, just having a girly old time! The results:

The photos were taken outside because we went for a swim afterwards - it was just so disgustingly hot! As you can see, I kept Lumpy Space Princess from my Adventure Time nails(here here here!) because she's just so lumpin' awesome.

Namira :)x

Thursday, 29 November 2012

pinailpples and the like

Fruit themed! I'M CUHRAZY

From the thumb we have grapes, an orange, a watermelon, a strawberry and a pineapple! I really liked how the strawberry looked so I decided to wear it on all my nails as a casual look. I knew it would all be mutilated at work anyways :'(
Supez cute and supez simple. A whole lotta fun!

Namira :)x

Monday, 26 November 2012


When I was in exams, I got a couple of nail art requests that I was dying to try out. I've done the giraffe nails and plants vs.zombies nails, but I had one last request to do. They were fiesta/tribal nails. The stimulus:
And the outcome:
These were so totally fun to do and have got me excited to do more patterning! So look forward to that.
It also was a perfect excuse to buy more nailpolish heheheh.

Namira :)x

Friday, 23 November 2012

totally beachin' nails

I'M SORRY I'VE BEEN NEGLECTING YOU! (nailglecting? no. that was bad. i'm sorry) 
Now that it's holidays, I've just been busy!! But I have been painting my nails. I've just been forgetting to post it on here! So the question is... should I give you all my posts now or space them out?


I reckon anyway. 
I don't know what I'm doing. This post is going to look so weird. 

Just know that these posts are not in order. I did these nails most recently but they are cooler so I'm posting them now!

I called my girlfriends (Robyn, anyone? no? cool) and I had a nail painting session at my house. With my 50-odd amount of nail polish bottles, we sat down and painted socially. It was loads of fun!

Just the day before, we hit the beach to catch up with our friends who stayed at Schoolies for the entire duration. To commemorate the time spent at the beach, I painted beach themed nails!

From the thumb we have a beach scene, a beach umbrella, sunnies, a beach ball and a haphazard sandcastle. The past two days have been a blast! The night before we head to the beach I went to see Coldplay!! And The Temper Trap :') the evidence:

It was an absolutely amazing concert. We were so close!!

But with excitement and fun also comes tragedy. Someone I had met quite a few times - an acquaintance if you must label - passed away on the second last night of schoolies. Out of the blue and completely devastating.
Rest in peace, Izzy.
Namira :)x

Friday, 16 November 2012

nailventure time

As an obvious side effect of my holidays, I've been recently getting into more TV shows. Just so I have something to do. A couple of days ago I decided to check out the show "Adventure Time" that was playing on Cartoon Network. And LOVED IT. To show my love, I - of course - immortalised it on my nails:

They're so cute! So from the thumb we've got Finn the Human, Jake the Dog (I feel like they should be said - sang - the other way around haha), Princess Bubblegum, Lumpy Sapce Princess (oh my glob, she's so great) and Lady Raincorn. There were so many characters available to do so I'm thinking I might do another round of nails!! I'd really loved to get Tree Trunks in there.

Namira :)x

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

plants vs zombnails

HEEEELLLLOOOOO! I just finished my last ever high school exam on Tuesday so I am freeeee! This is pretty much the biggest holiday period I will ever experience :D so of course, one of the first things I do is paint my nails! I was requested to do Plants vs Zombies (it's a game, I think?)  themed nails. I was given a picture and pretty much followed that as much as possible. But when I couldn't see the picture on the nail, I took it upon myself to research some of the characters involved. The end result:

I usually tell you what is on each nail but I honestly had no clue what I was painting! I have to say, out of all the nail art I have done, this was definitely the hardest. It was very detailed! I also had no prior knowlege of what I was painting so I just hoped it looked somewhat authentic! Still was a fun time though. As always!

Namira :)x

Friday, 26 October 2012

in the wildernails

My exams are like two weeks away! I should really stop.
I was requested to do this one by a friend and KABLAMY HERE YOU GO:

After revealing this masterpiece, I am requested a snake on the other hand DOUBLE KABLAMY:

Namira :)x

Monday, 22 October 2012

bandanail day

Once again my nails were inspired by promotional work I needed to do! Bandana Day is coming up, Friday 26 October, so for it we're selling CanTeen bandanas at school for $4. There were heaps of prints and patterns on offer and to show these off and promote at the same time I may or may not have painted...
BANDANA PRINT NAILS! As you can see I've painted 10 designs but there were even more then that! From my right hand inky we have a camo print, a birds print, a video game print, a geometric pattern, the australian flag, stripey pattern, polka dot pattern, hearts print, a sailor themed bandana and a pattern called Mexican. There were at least 5 different colours of the Mexican but I decided on yellow.

Also, fiftieth post! :O hooray
Namira :)x

Sunday, 14 October 2012

glitter nails!

So my obsession for nail polish clearly evident if I can manage to score two nail polishes from grocery shopping with my mum! And they're good ones too! (sorry ulta3, you're special in your own way)

GLITTER NAILS! And they're Sally Hansen which are good (I don't actually know, I'm just guessing)! As soon as I got home I put them on!

"Showgirl Chic"
 As you can see, they aren't just your average one toned glitter polishes. These bad boys have sneaky speckles of other colours! Showgirl Chic is predominately silver with a hint of blue while Cha-Ching! is mostly red with bits of silver incorporated in it.
Although tomorrow is Monday, I'm still going to rock these nails to school because - quite frankly - I'M A PUNK. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT. Plus, I only have 4 real weeks of school left so I've let loose! My little jab against the system. REPORT ME !?>?!

Namira :)x

Friday, 12 October 2012

mentnail health week

It's the first week back of the last school term ever! And because it's only 6 weeks long (technically only 5 weeks as the last one is exam block) we were hurled straight into it! This week is actually Mental Health Week and to acknowledge this, we organised a Free Dress Day for today that was themed patterns. It was gold coin donation and the proceeds would go to Kids Helpline. Using this information, I conjured up some nail art!
The thumb nail (that's a legitmate word on its own hehehe) is the Kids Helpline logo while the other nails represent the pattern part of the event! It was real quick to whip up so I may expand my nail painting horizons and experiment with patterns a little more!

Namira :)x
And yes. That is the task sheet for my English assignment in the background. I've obviously got  my priorities straight ;)

Monday, 8 October 2012


On my second last day of holidays, my family and I partied it up at one of our very dear family friends.. That are a family.. so like our family friend-family... ANYWAYS! It was the parents, 25th wedding anniversary party and it was mighty fun! To convey excitement I, of course, painted my nails to match my outfit. 
The outfit:
The outcome:

The design on my clothes was so intricate and large that I had to break it up into two segments. I think it looks nicer that way!

Namira :)x

Thursday, 4 October 2012

matte nails

Hey all! Yesterday I had a day off from the hectic holiday schedule because I had an orthodontist appointment.. But after that I had a lovely time on my own just perusing through shops, looking for any good buys. I was just in the mood to shop. And because I had not spent a single cent since I started working at Subway a couple of months ago, I had some money saved up wahoo! Introducing my newest additions to the family:
Although at first I was only looking at budget stores for cheaper nailpolishes, I could not help but be drawn in by Myer and their enticing sales! As you can see, I purchased - simply put - a gold, red and green. But what is the Chi Chi lurking in the background supposed to be!? WELL! That's a matte top coat which is totally the new craze. Basically, if you paint this over your regular polished nail, it takes away the shine and reflective ability of the polish. So it goes matte. It looks so cool! I did some experiments with this interesting polish:
 In addition to the matte, I reapplied the original nail colour on top so it stands out! These designs are definitely a lot more subtle than my usual outrageous nail art. I wasn't sure if it's subtle intricacy would be easily identified from a distance so I tried another time. This time round I added more normal nail polish to make it more obvious.
Still very understated but it's very fun to be wearing. Just a little secret to yourself teehee!

Namira :)x
PS sorry about the lack of creative title. I just wanted to show you matte polish!

anailzing amazing race

Hey there! On Wednesday, my friends and I got into pairs to battle in our own homemade version of the Amazing Race. To identify ourselves as a team, my teammate and I decided to wear stripes and converse. What better way to reinforce that with decorative nails!

So there we were, shamelessly going on a scavenger hunt all throughout Brisbane. We were doing pretty spectacularly well for our standards and we only needed to catch a busto reach our destination and we'd be done. However, for some smarmy reason, the bus that was meant to come did not arrive. That happened twice. And when our bus finally did appear, it was full and so it kept driving. When we finally got on a bus and made it to the end stop, we were informed we came 4th out of the 6 teams. Which is a pretty solid effort.. but we'll forever blame the transport. It was a superb day though, I recommend you be bothered to organise something like it.

 Namira :)x

Sunday, 30 September 2012


As you all know, I've been so busy exploiting my freedom! I did this last holidays too, but I'll now update you on my culinary adventures :) Though I'm almost halfway through my holidays, I've eaten so much! Let me take you on the journey -

Had a cute little lunch with my mum and sister!
Lamb burger at Grill'd
 Then my mum scampered off to work and my sister and I were desperate for a sweet treat. Doesn't matter how big that treat is.
Strawberry tart, chocolate tart, pistachio macaron and peanut butter and chocolate macaron at Belle Epoque

Apple nougatine at Banneton Bakery
 I went to the Brisbane Festival on one night to see the light shows they held at nightly. It was spectacular! There were also food stalls around so I had dinner (below) and churros for dessert! Yum!
Wood fired vegetarian pizza
 When you have a punnet of strawberries that are at expiration point you have no option but to utilise them in baking!
Breakfast with my sister and mum at Hana Rosa cafe in Paddington:
 Muesli and yoghurt + iced chocolate

Choc fudge brownie sundae and Cookie shake
 On Saturday it was the annual Riverfire! Instead of watching the fireworks at  the intensely packed Southbank, my friends and I decided to venture up to the Mount Cootha lookout. Boy was it worth it! The view was spectacular and the fireworks show was magnificent.
 Err.. "Stariway to Heaven" flavour (yes. That is what the lady said.) and coconut flavour ice cream
And today, my sister and I were just craving something sweet.
Chocolate, hazelnut and caramel tart at Coffee Club
Hope this had made your mouth water! Enjoy your holidays if you have them and please forgive me!
Namira :)x