Tuesday, 23 July 2013


After my Beauty and the Beast nails were mutilated by everyday life, I decided I wanted something quick to paint, easy to wear but still funky-looking. The days you find me wearing one colour of nail polish on all my finger nails is a day you'll know I was far too busy to care! I ended up choosing:
Pineapple nails! The photo may be upside down but I think the desired effect is still there! So now from afar my nails look simple but upon closer inspection the detail (which is not too overboard) is evident. I wanted it to look effortless and I personally am pleased with the results. Only took me minutes to complete too, as an added bonus!

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Nail as old as time

Hey guys! I am so sorry I have not been posting ever! I have been painting my nails heaps but since I recently got Instagram, I've been mainly posting there. I also found that to post here I would have to go out of my way and get out my laptop and ugh! But now with my iPod touch I have discovered the blogger app and life will be much easier.

Currently I am mooching of my uni's wifi to post this! I am in a lecture break and thought.. I got time to kill! Who needs friends. (I do. Please.)

So without anymore rambling, beauty and the beast nails:
Okay my battery is almost dying but I just wanted to say I was astonished to come on here months later to find people still viewing my blog! You guys inspired
 me to  start up again!

K bye